[e2e] Why do we need TCP flow control (rwnd)?

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Mon Jun 30 07:56:39 PDT 2008

Michael Scharf wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 at 12:01:30, Saverio Mascolo wrote:
>> you are missing main points here: 
>> 1. flow control is aimed at avoiding overflow of the receiver buffer. the receiver buffer is assigned on a per-flow base, i.e. it is not a shared resource. This makes  flow control a mechanism that is 100% perfect from the point of  view of control, i mean   that all the feedback required for perfect control is available;
>> 2. congestion control does not know buffer available at routers because they are shared; this is the reason you need a probing mechanism to estimate cwnd. you do not need this probing mechanism with the receiver buffer since the advertised window tells you the exact available buffer.
>> this is why we need flow control. moreover,  saturating cwnd with receiver-buffer size (f.i.  64Kb) avoids that any single flow congest network using probing.
> Very generally speaking, memory _is_ a shared resource on a host. 
> On the one hand, you are probably right, since most network stacks
> will have a buffer allocation strategy that somehow ensures that the
> free buffer space, which is signaled in the receiver advertized
> window, is indeed available. 
Hopefully, anyone will do that. I have a very critical position against 
overcommittment. Particularly, when it comes to kernel memory.

> But since memory allocation in an
> operating system is a rather complex issue, I am not sure whether
> there is a 100% guarantee that the receive buffer has really (at
> least) the announced size. 
I beg you pardon?

> Note that modern TCP stacks announce
> windows much larger than 64K (e. g., up to 16MB), and this could be an
> incentive to somehow share buffer space if there are many parallel
> connections.

Michael, I did not count the times even _this_ year, when I released my 
computer here in my room from trashing and memory overcommittment - by 
power cycle.

And I really hate a computer "going mad" when I want to work.

> On the other hand, the flow control is not 100% perfect, because of
> the inherent delay of feedback signals.
Where is the problem? You always announce the amount of buffer space 
which is actually available.

Actually, I think I do understand what you mean. Some years ago I 
thought about this problem for several weeks and I painted dozens of 
sketches and scenarios - until I convinced myself, that the "delay" is 
in fact no problem here.

>  For instance, many TCP stacks
> use receive window auto-tuning and dynamically increase their buffer
> size during the lifetime of a connection. 
Could you give a concrete example for "many"? And is this behaviour RFC 

Particularly, you well remember the "use it or loose it" principle that 
will cause a sender to _de_crease its window size , when a flow is 
inactive for a period of time.

> This means that, at a given
> point in time, there might be more buffer space allocated in the
> receiver than the sender is aware of.
I don't think that this is a problem.

> BTW, if window scaling is negotiated and receiver window auto-tuning
> is enabled, single TCP flows should be able to fill almost any
> pipe. And, this propobably just what an app expects from TCP...

Definitely not. At least not me.

I don't see a justification for "auto-tuning" (what you wrote sounds 
highly questionable to me) and I do not expect TCP to fill pipes but I 
do expect TCP to be well behaved and not to cause problems by weird 
window experiments.

Detlef Bosau                          Mail:  detlef.bosau at web.de
Galileistrasse 30                     Web:   http://www.detlef-bosau.de
70565 Stuttgart                       Skype: detlef.bosau
Mobile: +49 172 681 9937

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