[e2e] CFP: Internet Network Management Workshop (INM) 2008

T. S. Eugene Ng eugeneng at cs.rice.edu
Tue Mar 18 07:26:07 PDT 2008

Internet Network Management Workshop (INM) 2008
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society
Orlando, Florida
October 19, 2008

In many ways, computer network management remains the least understood
aspect of computer networking. There is a lack of well-established
principles for guiding the design of networks for manageability. There is
also a lack of scientific theories for analyzing the state of a network
and for the evolution of network state.

The Internet Network Management (INM) workshop provides an opportunity to
elevate participants' collective experience with IP networks into ideas,
principles, and theories that can be leveraged in today's networks, or can
be carried forward into the clean-slate design of future networks that
intrinsically support management, rather than treating management as a
bolted-on afterthought.

The INM workshop seeks original and thought provoking ideas, case studies,
experimental results, position papers, and clean-slate designs.
Submissions concerning special-purpose networks, such as VoIP, content
distribution, or mobile wireless networks are welcome. The workshop will
provide a forum for the exchange of experience and work-in-progress

Topics of Interest:
      * new abstractions for network configuration management
      * new control plane architectures
      * data plane mechanisms to support management
      * autonomous network management systems with predictive/proactive
      * ensuring stability and coherent behavior in distributed and/or
        autonomous systems
      * management of backbone, access, enterprise and home networks and
        network-based applications
      * techniques and experiments for evaluating network management
      * experimental platforms that support network management research
      * comparisons between IP network management and ATM, SONET, or
        telephony management
      * defining and enforcing network borders
      * automatic and adaptive control of networks
      * cross-layer interactions, including IP/optical or applications/IP
      * hitless planned maintenance
      * fault and performance management

Important Dates:
      Abstract Registration Deadline: 5:00pm EDT, June 6, 2008
      Paper Submission Deadline: 5:00pm EDT, June 13, 2008
      Notification of Acceptance: August 6, 2008
      Camera Ready Deadline: September 5, 2008
      Workshop Date: October 19, 2008

Program Chairs:
      Timothy G. Griffin (University of Cambridge)
      T. S. Eugene Ng (Rice University)

Steering Committee:
      Albert Greenberg (Microsoft Research)
      Chuck Kalmanek (AT&T Labs)
      David Maltz (Microsoft Research)
      Richard Mortier (Vipadia)
      Geoffrey Xie (Naval Postgraduate School)
      Hui Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University)

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