[e2e] NetGames 2008 Call for Participation

Mark Claypool claypool at cs.wpi.edu
Tue Sep 23 07:59:36 PDT 2008

+++++++++++++++ NetGames 2008 Call for Participation ++++++++++++++++

     Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games: NetGames 2008
         October 21st and 22nd, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA


The 7th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games
(NetGames 2008) will be held in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA on
October 21-22, 2008.  The sponsor is Worcester Polytechnic Institute
with cooperation from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM
SIGMM and ACM SIGCOMM).  The NetGames workshop brings together
researchers and developers from academia and industry to present new
research in understanding networked games of today and in enabling the
next generation of networked games of tomorrow.

The highlights of this year's program includes fourteen full-length
papers, poster session, an industry panel, a keynote and a game jam!



  Tuesday, October 21st, 2008
  8:00      Registration and Breakfast
  8:45      Opening remarks
  9:00      Cheat Detection
  10:30     Break
 11:00      Keynote
 12:00      Lunch
  1:30      Peer-to-Peer
  3:00      Poster Session
  4:00      Massively Multiplayer Online Games
  6:00      Dinner
  8:00      Game Jam

  Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008
  8:30      Breakfast
  9:00      Architectures
 10:30      Break
 11:00      Panel
 12:00      Lunch
  1:30      Bandwidth and Latency Reduction
  3:00      Closing remarks

   (8:00)   Registration and Breakfast
   (8:45)   Opening Remarks
    (9:00)  Cheat Detection
   A Peer Auditing Scheme for Cheat Elimination in MMOGs
   Authors: Josh Goodman (McGill University)
            Clark Verbrugge (McGill University)
   Stealth Measurements for Cheat Detection in On-line Games
   Authors: Wu-chang Feng (Portland State University)
            Ed Kaiser (Portland State University)
            Travis Schluessler (Intel)
   Game Bot Identification Based on Manifold Learning
   Authors: Kuan-Ta Chen (Academia Sinica)
            Hsing-Kuo Kenneth Pao (National Taiwan University)
            Hong-Chung Chang (National Taiwan University)
  (10:30)   Break
  (11:00)   Keynote
   Speaker: Aubrey Hodges, Director of Audio, 38 Studios
  (12:00)   Lunch
   (1:30)   Peer-to-Peer
   A Case for Mutual Notification: A Survey of P2P Protocols for 
   Massively Multiplayer Online Games
    Author: Stephan Krause (Universität Karlsruhe)
   Efficient Triangulation for P2P Networked Virtual Environments
   Authors: Eliya Buyukkaya (LIP6, University of Paris 6)
            Maha Abdallah (LIP6, University of Paris 6)
   Area-Based Gossip Multicast
   Authors: Christian Seeger (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
            Patric Kabus (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
            Bettina Kemme (McGill University)
            Alejandro Buchmann (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
   (3:00)   Poster Session
   Quantifying the Effect of Content-based Transport Strategies for
   Online Role Playing Games
   Authors: Chih-Ming Chen (National Taiwan University)
            Te-Yuang Huang (National Taiwan University)
            Kuan-Ta Chen (Academia Sinica)
            Polly Huang (National Taiwan University)
   Dragon Kill Points: Loot Distribution in MMORPGs
   Authors: Ernst Gunnar Gran (Simula Research Laboratory)
            Sven-Arne Reinemo (Simula Research Laboratory)
   Dynamic Voice Communication Support for Multiplayer Online Games
   Authors: Tomas Hildebrandt (KOM - TU Darmstadt)
            Sonja Bergsträßer (KOM - TU Darmstadt)
            Christoph Rensing (KOM - TU Darmstadt)
            Ralf Steinmetz (KOM - TU Darmstadt)
   A CAPTCHA System for Nintendo DS
   Authors: Mohammad Shirali-Shahreza (Sharif University of Technology)
            Sajad Shirali-Shahreza (Sharif University of Technology)
   Action-specific Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games 
   Traffic Analysis: A Case Study of World of Warcraft
   Authors: Mirko Suznjevic (University of Zagreb)
            Maja Matijasevic (University of Zagreb)
            Ognjen Dobrijevic (University of Zagreb)
   (4:00)   Massively Multiplayer Online Games
   An Analysis of WoW Players' Game Hours
   Authors: Pin-Yun Tarng (National Taiwan University)
            Kuan-Ta Chen (Academia Sinica)
            Polly Huang (National Taiwan University)
   Persistence in Massively Multiplayer Online Games
   Authors: Kaiwen Zhang (McGill University)
            Bettina Kemme (McGill University)
            Alexandre Denault (McGill University)
   (6:00)   Dinner
   (8:00)   Game Jam
   (8:30)   Breakfast
   (9:00)   Architectures
   A Hybrid Architecture for Massively Multiplayer Online Games
   Authors: Jared Jardine (Brigham Young University)
            Daniel Zappala (Brigham Young University)
   Dynamic Server Allocation in a Real-Life Deployable Communications 
   Architecture for Networked Games
   Authors: Peter Quax (Hasselt University)
            Bart Cornelissen (Hasselt University)
            Jeroen Dierckx (Hasselt University)
            Gert Vansichem (Androme NV)
            Wim Lamotte (Hasselt University)
   Performance Analysis of Game WorGame World Partitioning Methods 
   for Multiplayer Mobile Gaming
   Authors: Kusno Prasetya (Bond University)
            Zheng da Wu (Bond University)
   (10:30)   Break
   (11:00)   Panel
   Industry Issues in Massively Multiplayer Online Games
   Panelists: Darius Kazemi, President, Orbus Gameworks
              Keith Thompson, Senior Staff Engineer, Project Darkstar
              Jon Laff, Chief Technology Officer, 38 Studios
   (12:00)   Lunch
   (1:30)    Bandwidth and Latency Reduction
    Latency Reduction by Dynamic Core Selection and Partial Migration 
    of Game State
    Authors: Paul B. Beskow (Simula / University of Oslo)
             Knut-Helge Vik (Simula / University of Oslo)
             Pål Halvorsen (Simula / University of Oslo)
             Carsten Griwodz (Simula / University of Oslo)
    Tackling Online Game Development Problems with a Novel Network 
    Scripting Language
    Authors: Paul Sheppard (ITI Techmedia)
             George Russell (Codeplay Software Ltd)
             Rich Rowan (Codeplay Software Ltd)
             Verena Achenbach (Codeplay Software Ltd)
             Alastair F. Donaldson (Codeplay Software Ltd)
    Improving Application Layer Latency for Reliable Thin-stream Game
    Authors: Andreas Petlund (Simula / University of Oslo)
             Kristian Evensen (Simula / University of Oslo)
             Pål Halvorsen (Simula / University of Oslo)
             Carsten Griwodz (Simula / University of Oslo)
   (3:00)   Closing Remarks



  Mark Claypool (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)


  Grenville Armitage (Swinburne University of Technology)
  Surendar Chandra (Notre Dame)
  Kajal Claypool (MIT Lincoln Labs)
  Wu-chang Feng (Portland State University)
  Wu-chi Feng (Portland State University)
  David Finkel (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
  Tobias Fritcsh (Freie Universitat Berlin)
  Carsten Griwodz (University of Oslo)
  Paal Halvorsen (University of Oslo)
  John Miller (Microsoft Research)
  Travis Schluessler (Intel Corporation)
  Anees Shaikh  (IBM Research)
  Ooi Wei Tsang (National University of Singapore)
  Lars Wolf (Technical University Braunschweig)


  Early registration:          September 21, 2008
  Final registration:            October 10, 2008*
  Workshop:                   October 21-22, 2008

  *Note! There will be no on-site registration!

+++++++++++++++ NetGames 2008 Call for Participation +++++++++++++++++

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