[e2e] TCP Loss Differentiation

Injong Rhee rhee at ncsu.edu
Sun Feb 22 04:24:52 PST 2009

You missed my point. I am commenting on *when we should disregard a packet 
loss for congestion control* in particular. My speculaiton is that it might 
be ok to react to losses only when they are from congestion. I am suggesting 
one way to differentiate congestion losses from the other losses (which we 
don't have clear model for). Therefore, instead of trying to explicitly 
model non-congestion losses, just model congestion losses which we 
understand it a bit better and react to them.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Detlef Bosau" <detlef.bosau at web.de>
To: "end2end-interest list" <end2end-interest at postel.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: [e2e] TCP Loss Differentiation

> I did not follow the entire thread yet, but I think you miss the problem.
> The problem is not how to detect congestion losses. In the thread, ECN is 
> mentioned, perhaps other mechanisms as well.
> The problem is how to react properly upon packet loss?
> Particularly: how do we react properly upon an _individual_ packet loss? 
> When should a packet be disregarded for congeston control?
> On a statistical basis, there is an approach: the CETEN work by Alman and 
> Eddy. But can a reliable loss differentiation on an e-2-e basis be 
> achieved for individual packet?
> -- 
> Detlef Bosau                          Mail:  detlef.bosau at web.de
> Galileistrasse 30                     Web:   http://www.detlef-bosau.de
> 70565 Stuttgart                       Skype: detlef.bosau
> Mobile: +49 172 681 9937

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