[e2e] TCP Loss Differentiation

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Mon Feb 23 12:54:37 PST 2009

Lars Eggert wrote:
> On 2009-2-23, at 18:01, David P. Reed wrote:
>> Is the Internet ecology so broken that good things that are pretty
>> simple just cannot be deployed at all?
> Yes, pretty much, if they could end up causing a significant number of 
> support hotline calls ("Vista broke my router").

I can't help to quote a common signature in German news:

"User help desk, good morning, how may I help you?"
"I installed ***** on my computer."
"And what's your problem?"
"My computer doesn't work any more."
"Thank you, but you already told so...."

Sorry, but a end point hardly can break a router or "the Internet". 

When did Cerf and Kahn deploy IP and TCP? And how many computers are 
obviously able to work with these? 500 millions? One billion?
Or even more?

So, I tend to say: When some device cannot work with the Internet and 
appears to "break a router", the device is somewhat flawed...

Detlef Bosau                          Mail:  detlef.bosau at web.de
Galileistrasse 30                     Web:   http://www.detlef-bosau.de
70565 Stuttgart                       Skype: detlef.bosau
Mobile: +49 172 681 9937

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