[e2e] Switched Ethernet is Not an End-to-End System; was Protocols breaking the end-to-end argument

Richard Bennett richard at bennett.com
Fri Nov 13 13:16:01 PST 2009

Are you claiming the cell network is an edge-managed system? I don't 
think so.


Jon Crowcroft wrote:
> given there's 4.3billion wireless cellular devices in the world
> and growing, i can't believe people are still baning on about 
> switched networks taking over from shared media - the fact is that
> the edge AND the center are statistically multiplexed resources
> and the wished for simplicity of isolation and protection you get from
> some global switched system is flying in the face of all the trends.
> oh, sure, you find strict resource allocation in enterprise nets
> and "carrier grade" ethernet installations are fine and dandy in their
> niche environments, but its a niche.
> in fact, as we get more and more mimo and network coding,
> and other new ideas for content centric networking,
> which cross layer storage/cache and packet switching
> the system looks less and less like some sort of 
> graph in the interconnect layer at all - 
> in fact it looks less end2end at any layer at all
> can we start an entire new name&list for this new model
> whatever it is, coz this discussion isn't part of any future
> i recoznize, and is hauling over coals that have 
> long gone cold.
> j.

Richard Bennett
Research Fellow
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Washington, DC

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