Pål Halvorsen paalh at ifi.uio.no
Sat Apr 10 23:59:18 PDT 2010


Nossdav 2010
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 2-4, 2010

We invite you to attend NOSSDAV 2010 which is SIGMM's leading workshop
on network and operating systems support for digital audio and
video. The workshop, hosted by the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
(CWI) covers emerging research topics, controversial ideas and future
research directions in the area of multimedia systems research.

*** Program (or see below): 

*** Registration:

Please note:
- deadline for discounted early registration (May 8th)
- deadline for booking a room at hotel NH Tropen (April 21st)


*** June 2, 2010 ***

1800 Registration Opens

1900 Reception

*** June 3, 2010 ***

0800 - 0830 Registration and Breakfast

0830 - 0845 Welcome

0845 - 1000 Keynote Speech

1000 - 1030 Coffee Break

1030 - 1200 Session 1: Social Networking

- Second Life In-World Action Traffic Modeling
- Second Life: a Social Network of Humans and Bots
- Tweeting Videos: Coordinate Live Streaming and Storage Sharing

1200 - 1330 Lunch

1330 - 1500 Session 2:  Multimedia and P2P Streaming

- Quality-Adaptive Scheduling for Live Streaming over Multiple Access Networks
- Mesh-based Peer-to-Peer Layered Video Streaming With Taxation
- Reducing Data Request Contentions for Improved Streaming Quality

1500 - 1530 Coffee Break

1530 - 1730 Session 3:  3D and Immersive Environments

- TSync: A New Synchronization Framework for Multi-site 3D Tele-immersion
- Video Indexed VM Continuous Checkpoints: Time Travel Support for
Virtual 3D Graphics Applications 
- TriggerTV: Exploiting Social User Journeys within an Interactive TV System

1900 Banquet    

*** June 4, 2010 ***

0800 - 0830 Registration and Breakfast

0830 - 1000 Session 4: Quality Assessment and Measurement

- A New QoE Model and Evaluation Method for Broadcast Audio Contribution over IP
- Randomised Pair Comparison - An Economic and Robust Method for
Audiovisual Quality Assessment 
- The Implication of External links on Video Sharing Sites: Measurement
and Analysis 

1000 - 1030 Coffee Break

1030 - 1200 Session 5: GPU and Multicore Systems 

- Tips, Tricks and Troubles: Optimizing for Cell and GPU
- p264: Open Platform for Designing Parallel H.264/AVC Video Encoders on
Multi-Core Systems 
- RTP-Miner: an Efficient Online Intrusion Detection Framework for
Detecting RTP Fuzzing Attacks  

1200 - 1330 Lunch

1330 - 1500 Session 6: Peer-to-Peer Streaming 

- Designing a Tit-for-Tat Based Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand System
- Caching and Request Generation for a Peer-based PVR
- Collaborative Delay-Aware Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer UGC Video Sharing

1500 - 1530 Coffee Break

1530 - 1700 Session 7: Wireless and Mesh Streaming 

- Performance Analysis of Home Streaming Video Using Orb
- On wireless network interface energy conservation for bottlenecked
first mile network 
- Towards Understanding User Tolerance to Network Latency and Data Rate
in Remote Viewing of Progressive Meshes 

1700 - 1715 Concluding Remarks

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