[e2e] Call for Papers: NOSSDAV 2011

Sheng-Wei (Kuan-Ta) Chen swc at iis.sinica.edu.tw
Sat Dec 18 22:26:40 PST 2010

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+++++++++++++++++++++ [ NOSSDAV 2011 Call for Papers ] +++++++++++++++++++++++

     The 21th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems 
                   Support for Digital Audio and Video

                               June 2-3, 2011
                    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


NOSSDAV 2011 is the 21th anniversary of SIGMM's leading workshop on network and 
operating systems support for digital audio and video. The workshop, hosted at 
the University of British Columbia (UBC), will continue to focus on emerging 
research topics, controversial ideas, and future research directions in the area 
of multimedia systems research.

As in previous years, we will maintain the focused single-track format a setting 
that stimulates lively discussions among the senior and junior participants.
NOSSDAV encourages experimental research based on real systems and real data sets. 
Public availability of the source code and data sets discussed in papers presented 
at NOSSDAV is highly encouraged.

For NOSSDAV 2011, we will accept papers on broad ranges of topics related to the 
transmission and presentation of digital audio/video objects. We are particularly 
interested in soliciting articles that discuss system-level support for distributed
social media, as well as papers that focus on enabling multimedia applications in
distributed cloud. Other topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):
* OS, middleware and network support 
* Overlay networks
* Media streaming, distribution and storage support 
* Web 2.0 systems and social networks 
* Media sensor and ad hoc networks / embedded systems 
* Multicore architecture support
* Wireless and mobile multimedia systems / network processor support 
* Networked GPUs, graphics and virtual environments 
* Networked games / real-time immersive systems 
* Multimedia communications and system security
* Grid/Cloud computing support

Please contact the workshop co-chairs to check if your topic is within the scope of 
NOSSDAV. Papers will be judged on their relevance, technical content and correctness,
and the clarity of presentation of the research. Papers should not be under review 
at another venue nor previously published elsewhere.

Submissions should be at most SIX pages, using standard ACM proceedings style. 
We expect these submissions to be the kernel of what will eventually lead to full-length 
papers at high-quality conferences or journals.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:24 Feb 2011
Decision Notification:    24 Mar 2011
Camera Ready Due:          7 Apr 2011

For more information, visit the workshop website @ 

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