[e2e] CWND handling in idle periods

Wim Lamotte Wim.Lamotte at uhasselt.be
Mon Jul 5 06:54:41 PDT 2010

Hi Detlef,

Isn't this section 4.1 in RFC 5681? This section says that the cwnd should
restart at the initial congestion window size.

In RFC 2862, Handley et al. proposed "that after an idle period, the TCP
sender should reduce its congestion window by half for every RTT that the
flow has remained idle" - but this is an experimental extension afaik.


Prof. dr. Wim Lamotte
Hasselt University
Wetenschapspark 2 - 3590 Diepenbeek

> -----Original Message-----
> From: end2end-interest-bounces at postel.org [mailto:end2end-interest-
> bounces at postel.org] On Behalf Of Detlef Bosau
> Sent: maandag 5 juli 2010 14:27
> To: end2end-interest at postel.org
> Subject: [e2e] CWND handling in idle periods
> Hi,
> IIRC, TCP halves its CWND when being idle for a certain period of time.
> IIRC, there is an RFC where this is specified. Does someone happen do
> know the number?
> Thx
> Detlef
> --
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> Detlef Bosau             Galileistraße 30                70565
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> Tel.: +49 711 5208031    mobile: +49 172 6819937    skype:
> detlef.bosau
> ICQ: 566129673           detlef.bosau at web.de  http://www.detlef-
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