[e2e] TCP implementations in various OS's

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Tue May 11 09:33:40 PDT 2010

Anoop Ghanwani wrote:
> Is there a website that lists out TCP implementation
> details (such as default window scale, whether or not 
> SACK is implemented/enabled, etc.) by OS?
> Right now I'm mainly interested in the Window Scale
> option, but I'm sure there'll be a time when I'm
> interested in some other parameter.
> Thanks,
> Anoop

I'm curious why some people are interested in a big variety of TCP 
implementations and parameter settings.

Wouldn't it improve compatibility and interoperability if we choose 
algorithms and parameters according to the recommendations given in the RFC?

Detlef Bosau            Galileistraße 30        70565 Stuttgart
phone: +49 711 5208031  mobile: +49 172 6819937 skype: detlef.bosau     
ICQ: 566129673          detlef.bosau at web.de     http://www.detlef-bosau.de                      

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