[e2e] NDDI & OpenFlow

A.B. Jr. skandor at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 13:08:19 PDT 2011


 Since e2e-interest is the name of this list, it can be assumed that
everybody here has as least an intuitive understanding of what e2e issues
are. Including myself.

 One could argue that OpenFlow is just too tied to Network ans under-network
Layers, and that it has nothing to do with e2e aspects. Maybe.

 I think that if end systems become able to dynamically reconfigure the
network to suit their needs, this can change many of the assumptions made by
present days e2e protocols, rendering some parts of them unnecessary, and
other parts insufficient.

 – abj

2011/4/26 Micah Beck <mbeck at eecs.utk.edu>

> Hi A. B. Jr.,
> Can you tell us what *you* think "end to end" means? That might help to
> focus the responses.
> Regards,
> /micah
> On Apr 26, 2011, at 3:25 PM, A.B. Jr. wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Do you believe that widespread adoption of architectures like the one
> described in
> http://www.internet2.edu/network/ose/
>  *Built using the first production deployment of OpenFlow<http://www.openflow.org/>technology, NDDI will deliver a "software-defined network" (SDN), a common
> infrastructure that can create multiple virtual networks, allowing
> researchers to experiment with new Internet protocols and architectures, and
> at the same time enabling domain scientists to accelerate their research
> with collaborators worldwide.
> *
> will significantly change the meaning of  "end to end"?
> Regards,
> -abj
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