[e2e] Linux TCP

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Fri Aug 19 14:04:02 PDT 2011

On 08/19/2011 10:42 PM, Keith Moore wrote:
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 3:12 PM, John Sage wrote:
>> I would imagine that you find it very, very difficult to pass through the real world, inhabited with real human beings who do not match up to your standards of "pure rules" and where the only apparent alternative is "botch".
>> Good luck with that.
>> You'll need it.
> I would not be so harsh.   I certainly wish that Internet standards were more rigorously defined and more carefully adhered to.
> The aerospace industry does reasonably well with very rigorous design and certification procedures, and so do several other engineering professions.

Particularly the aerospace industry uses computers in very excessive manner.

And we've seen well known disasters in aerospace industry as a direct 
consequence in not obeying standards.

>   It's not ridiculous to imagine that similar disciplines might be desirable for the Internet also.  But the Internet is still very much in its infancy, engineering discipline hasn't caught up yet, and the whole industry is accustomed to relying on kludges to make things work.

Than this is a reminder of what is still to be done here.
> Changing this will be a very uphill battle, likely lasting decades.

Fine. However, identifying the hill and turning our steps upwards is a 
good point to start.

> Keith

Detlef Bosau
Galileistraße 30	
70565 Stuttgart                            Tel.:   +49 711 5208031
                                            mobile: +49 172 6819937
                                            skype:     detlef.bosau
                                            ICQ:          566129673
detlef.bosau at web.de                     http://www.detlef-bosau.de

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