[e2e] TCP Timeouts and TripleDupACK

Marco Mellia mellia at tlc.polito.it
Fri Jul 22 08:27:23 PDT 2011

I agree with other saying that you cannot avoid timeouts in general. At 
best, you can reduce them..
In any case, you can check

[1] S. Jaiswal, G. Iannaccone, C. Diot, J. Kurose, D. Towsley, 
Measurement and classification of out-of-sequence packets in a tier-1 IP 
backbone, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking 15 (1) (2007) 54--66

[2]S. Rewaskar, J. Kaur, F.D. Smith, A passive state-machine approach 
for accurate analysis of TCP out-of-sequence segments, ACM SIGCOMM 
Computer Communication Review archive 36 (3) (2006) 51--64.

But the best source is: ;)
M.Mellia, M.Meo, L.Muscariello, D.Rossi, ``Passive analysis of TCP 
anomalies'', Computer Networks, Vol.52, No.14, 2008

[algorithm implemented in tstat, and results are available online :)]
- select polito/LIVE as trace
- tcp::stats -> total number of anomalies
Note that the algorithm has been fine tuned to 2007 TCP... so today it 
may need some refinement..

We also did some work on how to reduce the number of RTOs

[4] M.Mellia, M.Meo, C.Casetti, ``TCP Smart Framing: a Segmentation 
Algorithm to Reduce TCP latency'', IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 
Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 316--329, ISSN: 1063-6692, April 2005

[5] D.Ciullo, M.Mellia, M.Meo, ``Two Schemes to Reduce Latency in Short 
Lived TCP Flows'', IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.\ 13, No.\ 10, 
October 2009

Hope this helps

> Hi.
> Are there some papers out there comparing how often TCP congestion is 
> detected by timeout and how often it is detected by triple duplicate ack?
> I'm basically interested, whether timeouts could be overcome 
> completely or whether there will be a permanent need for a working 
> timeout scheme in TCP.
> Thanks.
> Detlef

Ciao,                    /\/\/\rco

| Marco Mellia - Assistant Professor|
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