[e2e] Call for Papers: ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS) 2012

Tilman Wolf wolf at ecs.umass.edu
Wed Apr 11 07:29:34 PDT 2012

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

              The 8th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures
               for Networking and Communications Systems

                               ANCS 2012

                          October 29-30, 2012
                         AT&T Conference Center
                           University of Texas
                           Austin, Texas, USA

Sponsored by:
ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH)
ACM Special Interest Group on Communications (SIGCOMM)
IEEE Computer Society Tech. Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA)

The Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and
Communications Systems (ANCS) will be held October 29-30 at the
AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center on the campus of the
University of Texas in Austin, TX, USA. This year, ANCS will be
col-located with ICNP 2012 to reduce travel expenses for those who
plan to attend both conferences.


Paper registration and abstract:        May 18, 2012
Submission deadline:                    May 25, 2012
Author notification:                    August 18, 2012


ANCS is a systems-oriented research conference, presenting original
work that explores the relationship between the architecture of modern
computer networks and the architecture of the individual hardware and
software elements from which these networks are built. This year's
conference will emphasize in its paper selection research on computer
and network systems that provide the foundations of emerging network
technologies and the future Internet.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
*  System design for future network architectures
*  Network architectures enabled by converged platforms
*  Virtualized infrastructure architectures, rationale, and devices
*  Converged router, server, and storage platforms
*  Content-centric architectures, platforms, and mechanisms
*  Scalable programming and application frameworks
*  High-performance / high-function packet processing platforms
*  Power- and size-optimized computer and communications platforms
*  High-speed networking mechanisms and algorithms
*  Network security architectures
*  Single-chip platform integration
*  Network measurement techniques, architectures, and devices
*  Techniques and systems for large-scale data analysis
*  Host-network interface issues
*  Architectures for data centers
*  Router and switch architectures
*  Software radios
*  Wireless-networking hardware and related software


Papers must be registered, with a title and abstract, no later than
May 18, 2011 at 11:59PM EST (US). The deadline for submissions of full
papers is May 25, 2011 at 11:59PM EST (US). There will be no extensions
of this deadline.

Please see the conference web site for detailed submission guidelines:

The Program Committee may choose to accept certain papers conditionally,
based on a shepherding process.


ANCS 2012 will feature a best paper award, which will be announced at
the conference. Some of the accepted papers will be fast-tracked as
submissions to the ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking.


ANCS 2012 will include a poster session. Submission deadlines and
guidelines will be announced at a later date on the conference web site


General Chair:         Tilman Wolf (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Program Chairs:        Andrew W. Moore (University of Cambridge, UK)
                        Viktor Prasanna (Univ. of Southern Calif., USA)
Finance Chair:         Michela Becchi (Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, USA)
Local Arrangements:    EJ Kim (Texas A&M University, USA)
Student Travel Grants: Michela Becchi (Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, USA)
Web Chair:             Xinming Chen (University of Massachusetts, USA)

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