[e2e] "Busty" traffic?

Anoop Ghanwani anoop at alumni.duke.edu
Tue Jul 3 12:42:10 PDT 2012

It refers to bursty traffic in the presence of errors. :)

Interestingly, my email editor thinks bursty is a typo,
but busty is not, so this "terminology" may well be a
result of automatic spelling correction tools.

I think we have to start getting used to typos as folks
depend more and more on editing tools rather than
a second pair of eyes to catch errors.


On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 5:23 AM,  <l.wood at surrey.ac.uk> wrote:
> I have come across a few references to "busty" trafiic. I am trying to figure out if this is a particular statistical pattern, or just an increasingly common corruption of bursty. anyone?
> Either way, the jokes write themselves.
> Lloyd Wood
> http://sat-net.com/L.Wood/

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