[e2e] Why do we need congestion control?

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Wed Apr 10 06:14:15 PDT 2013

Am 06.03.2013 19:19, schrieb Richard G. Clegg:
> On 06/03/13 15:02, Jon Crowcroft wrote:
>> ok - i see your point - this is true if your sources have a peak rate 
>> they can send at
>> this could be the line rate of their uplink  -
>> that would be embarrasingly bad
>> (see keshav's followup on escalating costs of coding)
>> or the rate they can get data off disk (which could be as bad, but 
>> might be lower)
>> or an application specific rate (e.g. streamed video) for which 
>> you're suggestion is
>> quite reasonable...
> Apologies if this has been mentioned already -- the "blast it out at 
> full whack and code against loss" strategy is explored in
> Is the ''Law of the Jungle'' Sustainable for the Internet? from 
> Infocom 2009.
> Nice maths in that paper actually -- I was lucky enough to see them 
> present it.  The conclusions are interesting.
> http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5061903

I'm generally reluctant to "nice maths" in this discussion - quite a lot 
of the "mathwork" is an impressive envelope with hardly a letter inside.

I think we should reconsider our goals here in order not to give another 
confirmation to the well known quote: "Having lost sight of our goals, 
we endoubled our efforts".

In a PM, Matt Mathis mentioned that we should be particularly careful to 
use maths from "statistics" and "stochastics" - when actually there is 
hardly any stochastic behaviour is present. Matt pointed out that in 
many TCP scenarios, the behaviour of the net is mainly deterministic - 
and hence some of our statistical apparatus simply does not apply here, 
e.g. Little's Law.  And  I fear, the same holds true for erasure codes 
and statistic rationales for "fair goodput reduction".

Let me sketch a very simple scenario here.

Think of four nodes, e.g. PC, attached to a simple coax Ethernet.

                     PC 1                  PC 2             PC 3                 PC 4
                       |                     |                |                    |


Think of two bidirectional TCP flows here.

One betwenn PC 1 and PC 3, the other between PC 2 and PC 4.

And now allow me to ask some questions.

Q1: What do we want to achieve at all in this scenario? With particular 
respect to the categories
       - goodput
       - throughput
       - congestion avoidance
       - fairness?

Q2: Do we need VJCC in this scenario?

Q3: Which of the goals stated in response to Q 1 are achieved?

Q4: If goals are achieved, refer to Q3, what is the particular 
contribution of VJCC here?

This scenario is quite easy - and when I answered this questions for 
myself, it became clear that I simply asked the wrong question when I 
asked how many flows would fit into the Internet.

To some degree, VJCC is a stroke of genius - while being a kludge at the 
same time.

So, I would like to ask: What are our goals? What do we achieve? Did we 
achieve our goals? And is that what we achieve identical to our 
intentions in the first?

Detlef Bosau
Galileistraße 30
70565 Stuttgart                            Tel.:   +49 711 5208031
                                            mobile: +49 172 6819937
                                            skype:     detlef.bosau
                                            ICQ:          566129673
detlef.bosau at web.de                     http://www.detlef-bosau.de

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