[e2e] VJCC vs. Keshav

Jon Crowcroft Jon.Crowcroft at cl.cam.ac.uk
Wed Apr 17 13:54:17 PDT 2013

more history
1. keshav wrote his own simulator (a variant maybe of the mit x sim
2. other people verified fq results in other simulators
3. some people have implemented lots of variants of fq and packet
probe pair/trains as well

maybe you could read the source materials properly,
rather than just snippets of this maillist...

that's what we call "peer review"

In missive <516EF103.1030300 at web.de>, Detlef Bosau typed:

 >>It's however not really surprising that packet pair techniques and the=20
 >>like yield exactly the result, which was implemented in the NS2 code.
 >>That's a proof by repeated assertion.
 >>Detlef Bosau
 >>Galileistra=C3=9Fe 30
 >>70565 Stuttgart                            Tel.:   +49 711 5208031
 >>                                            mobile: +49 172 6819937
 >>                                            skype:     detlef.bosau
 >>                                            ICQ:          566129673
 >>detlef.bosau at web.de                     http://www.detlef-bosau.de



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