[e2e] VJCC vs. Keshav

Giuseppe Bianchi giuseppe.bianchi at uniroma2.it
Fri Apr 19 00:42:27 PDT 2013

> In this context, I remember a recent discussion in the German part of 
> the usenet: There are apparently different strategies how WLAN AP 
> choose their channel, particularly when adapting to a certain channel 
> load situation. From that, I conclude, we would have to simulate not 
> only different brands and different software releases.

A conclusion which not only restricts to "AP-level" mechanisms, where of 
course solutions may be highly customized, but which appears to affect 
also"card-level" operation where we would rather expect the very same 
standard behavior.

see e.g. Infocom 2007: Experimental Assessment of the Backoff Behavior 
of Commercial IEEE 802.11b Network Cards.

At least in the WLAN domain, firmware twists, vendors' customizations 
not publicly disclosed, and even implementation bugs, make such that 
claiming representativity of one own real world experimental setting is 
not as straightforward as it would seem to the layman person.

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