[e2e] congestion control? - (was Re: Appointment of a Transport Area Director)

Roger Jørgensen rogerj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 10:20:46 PST 2013

changed the subject ... and added a cc to some that might not follow ietf@

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Eggert, Lars <lars at netapp.com> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2013, at 13:37, Eric Burger <eburger at standardstrack.com> wrote:
>> There are two other interpretations of this situation, neither of which I think is true, but we should consider the possibility. The first is the TSV is too narrow a field to support an area director and as such should be folded in with another area. The second is if all of the qualified people have moved on and no one is interested in building the expertise the IESG feels is lacking, then industry and academia have voted with their feet: the TSV is irrelevant and should be closed.
>> Since I believe neither is the case, it sounds like the IESG requirements are too tight.
> I don't believe the requirements are too tight. *Someone* one the IESG needs to understand congestion control.
> The likely possibility is that many qualified people failed to get sufficient employer support to be able to volunteer. It's at least a 50% time committment.

I'll ask a rather basic question and hope someone will answer in an
educational way - Why is congestion control so important? And where
does it apply? ... :-)


Roger Jorgensen           | ROJO9-RIPE
rogerj at gmail.com          | - IPv6 is The Key!
http://www.jorgensen.no   | roger at jorgensen.no

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