[e2e] How many TCP flows fit in the Internet?

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Sun Mar 31 04:10:24 PDT 2013

I got some criticism on my post yesterday, so I think I should elaborate 
at least on one point.

However, a general remark in the beginning. I have a strong focus on TCP 
here. Of course, TCP is neither the only protocol in the world nor the 
only one that may cause grief in some circumstances. The distinguishing 
property of TCP is responsiveness. TCP reacts upon packet loss, which is 
seen as load indicator, by reducing the load offered to the network. In 
TCP, responsiveness is (mainly) achieved by protocol means while for 
other protocols, e.g. voice streaming, responsiveness is often left to 
the application. It makes hence sense to have a look at TCP and 
understand how congestion, buffer bloat etc. can be handled and take 
this as a model for other protocols.

Back to the point.

Am 30.03.2013 15:29, schrieb Detlef Bosau:
> ...
> Among all strategies of congestion control, in VJCC I miss the real 
> establishment of the two by far most obvious.:
> In case of congestion
> 1. reduce the rate of existing flows. (In VJCC and actually existing 
> TCP Implementations we hardly can reduce a flow's rate beyond 
> 1MSS/CWND. Exept perhaps by employing a pacing scheme, however I'm not 
> quite clear yet about possible consequences.)

Yesterday, I was told TCP can well reduce it's rate beyond 1 MSS/CWND. 
Now, to my understanding this is not possible with the pure sliding 
window mechanism itself. A TCP socket must not send anything else than a 
"complete TCP frame", with our without payload. It cannot send, say, 
"two bytes only". So a congestion window of, say, 3 bytes or less 
wouldn't make any sense.

Of course, the GOODPUT (and that's what I was pointed to yesterday) can 
be arbitrarily low: In case of a packet being not acknowledged in time a 
sending socket does it's usual time out handling, including a timer backoff

RTO *= 2;

So, when a switch along the path cannot forward a packet due to 
insufficient queue capacity, the packet remains unacknowledged and is 
hence retransmitted. So, while the switch delivers the net from the 
"overload" imposed by this packet (the packet is dropped) the sender 
will repeat this packet over and over, until a user defined time out is 
exceeded or the packet is eventually acknowledged.

This reduces GOODPUT.


it causes additional network load, i.e. by retransmissions.

So, we have the classical choice between Skylla and Charybdis here. 
Either we drop packets - and cause retransmissions, or we add buffer 
space to the switch and allow for buffer bloat. In the first case, the 
perceived goodput is reduced by timer back off, in the second case the 
rate CWND/RTT is reduced by increasing the RTT by increasing the 
queueing latency. Neither of these is a reasonable reduction of 
THROUGHPUT which deliveres the network from load.

As I said above, I don't discuss ping or voice streams or online games 
here, resource sharing, load control and congestion control in non 
responsive protocols is left to the application.

Detlef Bosau
Galileistraße 30
70565 Stuttgart                            Tel.:   +49 711 5208031
                                            mobile: +49 172 6819937
                                            skype:     detlef.bosau
                                            ICQ:          566129673
detlef.bosau at web.de                     http://www.detlef-bosau.de

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