[e2e] Why don't we talk about segments/objects instaead of layers? Re: Lost Layer?

Djamel Sadok jamel at cin.ufpe.br
Mon Feb 17 05:22:02 PST 2014

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Detlef Bosau <detlef.bosau at web.de> wrote:

>  Am 14.02.2014 19:18, schrieb Djamel Sadok:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Detlef Bosau <detlef.bosau at web.de> wrote:
>> So you want to orchestrate lightwaves etc. from the endpoints?
>  This is going to be the case "yes" at least from the point of view of
> Cloud/Data center  peer application provisioning.
>  Djamel
> The point is what you want to "orchestrate". You may well orchestrate a
> path. You may well orchestrate constraints along a path, e.g. maximum
> corruption ratio, minimum throughput or the like.
> However, what I'm talking about is congestion and resource consumption.
> And there I think it to be a misconception to regard congestion as a global
> problem which has to be handled by the communication end points.
> When we have a transient throughput shortage on hop 47 out of 80 because
> of a short cross traffic consisting of one or two packets, it is certainly
> not adequate to change an end to end congestion window for this reason.  A
> short backpressure which certainly will reach the source and throttle down
> the traffic for a short moment would fully suffice.
> Who, in your opinion, shall decide which sender should be throtted?
It all depends on the scope of the problem. Within a domain for example,
instead of throttling sources for example, a path computation element would
offer a better solution as it can control/orchestrate the lighpaths. The
situation gets out of hand when inter-domain management is involved.


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