[e2e] CFP: Workshop on Wired/Wireless Internet, Las Vegas, June 24-25, 2002
Ibrahim Matta
matta at cs.bu.edu
Sat Feb 2 17:50:57 PST 2002
Apologies if you receive multiple copies.
The 1st International Workshop on Wired/Wireless
Internet Communications (WWIC 2002)
June 24-25, 2002, Las Vegas, USA
The workshop is held in conjunction with Internet Computing 2002.
Call For Papers
WWIC 2002 is the first annual workshop dedicated to bridging the gap
between wired and wireless Internet. The goal of the workshop is to
present high-quality results in the field and provide a framework for
research collaboration through focused discussions that will designate
future research efforts and directions. In this context, the program
committee will accept only a limited number of papers that meet the
criteria of originality, presentation quality and topic relevance.
The program committee solicits research papers on the following
Network design issues on wireless Internet
Evaluation of Internet protocols over wireless networks
Design and evaluation of new protocols
Conflicting behavior of wired/wireless protocols/mechanisms
Error and congestion control
Quality of Service
Energy efficiency of protocols and devices
Performance tradeoffs
Wired/Wireless proxies
Web computing
System design and evaluation
Cross-layer interactions
Applications and application performance
Middleware platforms
Evaluation tools and methods
Modeling and simulation for wired/wireless networks
The workshop is held in conjunction with Internet Computing 2002. IC
2002 has a broader scope. Upon the request of the authors, papers
submitted to the workshop could also be considered for possible
publication by IC 2002.
Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 7 pages (10pt
double-column single-spaced - or its equivalent in another format).
The required format of the papers is postscript (preferred) or PDF
files. Online paper submission will be available from the webpage
http://nestor.ccs.neu.edu/wwic2002/ together with instructions for
alternative submission mechanisms.
Best Paper Award:
All accepted papers will be considered for the best paper award.
Highest ranked papers will be considered for journal publication.
Important Dates:
Paper submission due: Feb 21, 2002
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2002
Camera-ready version due: May 1, 2002
General Chairs:
Peter Langendoerfer, IHP, Germany
Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Northeastern University, USA
TPC Chairs:
Ibrahim Matta, Boston University (matta at cs.bu.edu)
Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Northeastern University (vassilis at ccs.neu.edu)
Publicity Chair:
Olaf Draegehorn, University of Kassel, Germany
Organizing Committee:
Dhiman Barman, Boston University
Adrian Lahanas, Northeastern University
Jun Liu, Boston University
Jianping Pan, Fujitsu
Chi Zhang, Northeastern University
Dimitris Vardalis, University of California, Los Angeles
Program Committee:
Torsten Braun, University Bern, Switzerland
Christos Chamzas, Demokritus University, Greece
Mark Crovella, Boston University, USA
Jennifer Hou, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Rolf Kraemer, IHP Microelectronics, Germany
Marwan Krunz, University of Arizona, USA
Peter Langendoerfer, IHP, Germany
Paul Lettieri, Delft, The Nederlands
Petri Maehoenen, University Oulu, Finland
Ibrahim Matta, Boston University, USA
Ioanis Nikolaidis, University of Alberta, Canada
George Polyzos, AUEB, Greece
Ioannis Stavrakakis, University of Athens, Greece
Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Northeastern University, USA
Adam Wolitz, TU Berlin, Germany
Michele Zorzi, University of Ferrara, Italy
Ibrahim Matta Dept of Comp Sci, 111 Cummington St, MCS-271
matta at cs.bu.edu Assistant Prof, Boston Univ., Boston, MA 02215
Tel: (617)358-1062, Fax: (617)353-6457, URL: www.cs.bu.edu/fac/matta/
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