[e2e] NetGames2002 -- Call for Participation

Lars Wolf Lars.Wolf at uni-karlsruhe.de
Sat Mar 23 13:25:42 PST 2002

I'm psoting the following call for participation for NetGames2002
to the end2end list with permission.  Please distribute the call
to those who may be interested.

Lars Wolf

[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this mail]

*			**************************			*
*			* Call for Participation *			*
*			**************************			*

			      NetGames 2002

	   First Workshop on Network and System Support for Games

		  Braunschweig, Germany, April 16-17, 2002

				 hosted by
		   Technical University of Braunschweig,
	    Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

		   In cooperation with ACM SIG MULTIMEDIA


		    Sponsored by NEC Network Laboratories

Please use the registration form available at
Early registration deadline is
  April 1, 2002

Call for Demos

In addition to the regular technical program, we are planning to hold a
Demo session where state-of-the-art networked games are briefly presented
and demonstrated with some background information.  A volunteer would
demonstrate one networked game of her/his choice and provide some
information on game mechanisms, protocols used, major desasters when the
game went life for the first time, cheating, player behaviour, etc.

The intention of this session is to learn about the current
state-of-the-art as well as current shortcomings in networked games.
Demonstrations will be held sequentially to stimulate discussions. Each
demonstration will typically be assigned a timeslot of 15 minutes.

Please contact 
  Martin Mauve <mauve at informatik.uni-mannheim.de>
  Lars Wolf <Lars.Wolf at uni-karlsruhe.de>
if you are interested to volunteer.

Call for On-Going Work and Short Presentations

NetGames2002 has the intention to create a forum for all people interested
in the area to discuss the issues and solutions arising in this
application domain, to present new research results and to open questions.
To stimulate discussions and to allow for further contributions (not part
of the regular technical program), we plan to have a session for the
presentation of on-going (perhaps premature) work, unusual ideas, and any
other kind of interesting presentation.

Please contact 
  Martin Mauve <mauve at informatik.uni-mannheim.de>
  Lars Wolf <Lars.Wolf at uni-karlsruhe.de>
if you are interested to give such a presentation or want to contribute


			  * Preliminary Program *

Session 1: Middleware

Mercury: A Scalable Publish-Subscribe System for Internet Games
Ashwin R. Bharambe, Sanjay Rao, Srinivasan Seshan 

Generalized Two-Tier Relevance Filtering of Computer Game Update Events
Lars Aarhus, Knut Holmqvist, Martin Kirkengen 

A Communication Architecture for Massive Multiplayer Games
Stefan Fiedler, Michael Wallner, Michael Weber 

Session 2: Network Support for Games

A Generic Proxy System for Networked Computer Games
Martin Mauve, Stefan Fischer, Jörg Widmer 

State replication for Multiplayer Games
Carsten Griwodz 

Network Infrastructure for Massively Distributed Games
Daniel Bauer, Sean Rooney, Paolo Scotton 

Demonstration Session

Session 3: Miscellaneous

Observations on Game Server Discovery Mechansisms
Tristan Henderson 

Network Game Traffic Modelling
Johannes Färber 

System Architecture for Billing of Multi-User Games in a Wireless Environment
using GSM/UMTS and WLAN Services
Frank Fitzek, Gerrit Schulte, Martin Reisslein 

On-Going Work and Short Presentation Session

Session 4: Consistency and Quality

An Efficient Synchronization Mechanism for Mirrored Game Architectures
Eric Cronin, Burton Filstrup, Anthony R. Kurc, Sugih Jamin 

Subjective Quality Assessment for Multiplayer Real-Time Games
Christian Schaefer, Thomas Enderes, Hartmut Ritter, Martina Zitterbart 

On the Suitability of Dead Reckoning Schemes for Games
Lars Wolf, Lothar Pantel

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