[e2e] Satellite networks latency and data corruption

alok alokdube at hotpop.com
Mon Jul 4 22:22:50 PDT 2005


thanks for you response,

Arjuna Sathiaseelan wrote:

>Dear Alok,
>The link delay in a satellite network depends on whether it is a
>geostationary orbit (GEO) or a lower earth orbit (LEO) network. The
>GEO satellite link has roughly a delay of 300 ms (one way). The LEO
>satellite link has a one way delay that varies from [40,400] ms
>depending on whether the LEO network has one satellite hop or multiple
>hops and
>how far each of these satellite hops are placed.
My question was specific to ARQ strategies and the latency induced due 
to the same.

I understand that the media is highly error prone but was wondering what 
is the performance difference if I do :

                  |                     |
Host3------+                    +---------Host4


a. no ACK/ARQ "per hop".
b. only endhost to end host ARQs/ACKs model. (basically leaving all flow 
releated and error recovery operations to the end hosts).

It would also help to understand the typical errors seen, does the noise 
tend to impact just one "end to end to end association", is it evenly 
distributed etc?

>For more details, u can refer this paper:
>T. R. Henderson, R.H. Katz, Transport Protocols for
>Internet-Compatible Satellite Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas
>in Communications, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp: 345-359, February 1999.
Thanks, will look into it,

-thanks again,

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